Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Give Up...

Well, as many of you know, I am terrible at keeping up with this blog.  I make myself all kinds of empty promises that I will catch up entirely and then be really great at it.  The tragic truth is that I planned to be all caught up before Anabelle turned one and then disaster struck our picture files.  Kyle kindly moved ALL of our family photos over to an external hard-drive in order to make more room on the computer and they have been a completely unorganized and almost impossible to track down mess ever since.  One day I got really motivated and tried to find pictures for all kinds of posts I was behind on and made a separate folder complete with dates and labels, only to learn that when you unplugged the hard-drive again, somehow all the files I thought I downloaded disappeared.  I was SO discouraged!  I basically decided it was impossible and have been terribly behind ever since.  So, I am finally going to suck it up, give in, and start off with where we are at now so that I don't continue to forget all the fun adventures we are having as I put it off any further! Heres to giving it another go:)

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